Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Love!!!

It's that time of year again. The time when many are looking for that "Perfect" gift of love. For many that perfect gift will be cute, cuddly, and have four paws. Our phone rings off the hook the two weeks leading up to Christmas. Everyone wants that cute puppy delivered either right before the holiday or like Santa, our vans should come sliding into the house like a sleigh, and magically this puppy or kitten arrives for everyone to enjoy.
The first few days are lots of fun, this little ball of fur running after the kids, jumping and romping through the living room or romping in the snow, just like a Norman Rockwell scene.  Such a wonderful vision to catch on camera for future memories.
Then the lights come down, the decorations get packed and real life marches on. The cute gift now needs potty trained, shots, and basic manners training. Translation it will take someones time, money and space for the pet as it grows.
Times have changed. Neighborhoods are crowded, laws are strict. Pets cannot just run free to frolic at will. Unless the pet is being raised on a large farm, most dogs require walking on a leash. It you live in an area where you have to walk your dog on a leash, don't forget the poop bag. Laws require to scoop the poop. Not doing so can cost you fines.
Every puppy shipped should have their first puppy shots. The second round of shots cost about $50 to $100 depending on where you live, right around February. This is usually at a time when many families are paying off the previous holiday bills, paying huge heating bills, when money is the most tight time of year.
There is the ever fact that puppies grow. Depending on the breed some puppies grow to be quite large. These dogs become mini giants, that are still puppies in their head. When the puppy was little, eight weeks, they did fit on your lap, could jump up and down on little kids, taking a walk got them lots of attention and hugs from family and friends. Without the time taken to teach a puppy proper manners, what was once cute puppy becomes a complete nightmare. That mini horse no longer fits on your lap, but always tries, knocks the kids down, sometimes causing injuries. Neighbors and friends run for cover when the uncontrollable tornado comes lumbering into view.
Two months ago I delivered four cats to a home in Florida. While there I was asked  if anyone possibly wanted a dog. I jokingly said we had been talking about getting another dog. We had not had a dog for over four years. Rosie left a major hole in our family. It just didn't seem right getting another dog. Took us three weeks to decide if we were going to take the plunge again.
Well my present this year was to adopt a full grown pit/lab mix, full of energy, bad manners and even worse habits. The last month has been an adjustment for me. Getting my backside out of bed early to walk her in the morning. Something I really don't like to do when I'm not on the road. I've had to reteach myself to set aside time everyday for training and playing. More than that I've had to learn something completely new myself. I've always trained a dog the same way I was raised. Do it because I told you to. Kiki is a strong dog, as well as a strong willed dog I quickly learned it would be a battle of wills. We took Kiki to the vet, as I slid down the hallway at the end of the leash trying to hold her back it became clear her will had much more strength behind her. I would need to find a new way to teach her I was the boss.

Some call it bribery others call it positive reinforcement. Its about using small treats and praise when Kiki does the correct thing. This concept works and I like it.
There are new ideas for raising happy health pet with some great books for training strong, dominate dogs. The key is to teach them they can be strong but as the human I am the dominate one.  Not teaching a dog proper behavior creates a destructive, dangerous dog.
Give your new pet the gift of love, give them their shots and proper training. You will have a lifelong loyal loving companion.

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