Monday, January 30, 2012

Advertising on the WWW.

Like so many other business today we depend on the world wide web to get our name out to the masses. We really would not be able to provide the service we do without the web. As with many transporters, most of our business comes from the web. A percent of new clients come from word of mouth but most come strictly from advertising on the web.
Remember when on line dating became big. People would post a picture, (from twenty years ago), what happen when it was time to meet in person. Not quite the picture. Well placing an website on the web is a lot like that. Anyone can build a website.
Well over the years we've seen an explosion of "NEW" pet transporters. Yes, everyone has to have a start date. One can appreciate those that take the time to learn what they need to do and do it safe. Anyone can build a pretty website, that does not mean they know how to move pets across the country.
I say this because over the last year we have been working and speaking with various people about becoming drivers for PPTS. Well, egg on my face. Some of the very things I stated to one person in our phone conversation, and part of our operational manual that I wrote ended up almost word for word on their website. Poof their now a "Professional Pet Transporter". Really you couldn't come up with anything original,  enjoy those blizzards. Hard not to get bitter when your very ideas and thoughts are being ripped off by crooks.
Anyhow over the years we have seen our stuff as well as some of our other competitors stuff stolen because some of the new ones coming up could not be bothered to do their own homework. It was just easier to steal someone else's ideas.
I think my favorite are the idiots that call as say they want to be transporters can I give them pointers and information, (where to get insurance, how to get licensed.) Sure for $25,000 its call a franchise. I'll be glad to help you get started, just get your checkbook out.
Of course the new transporters are so much better then those of us that have been doing this for eight, nine and ten years, they can do it cheaper. I love it, you go to a bid board and those idiots can transport a pet the whole way across the country for $150 and be there in four days. Once the driver pays the bid board fees the job is actually paying $110, oh don't forget four days.
Simple math: If this person is using an SUV,  their traveling 2800 miles across the country. At 700 miles a day, that is equivalent to a 12 hour day, traveling between 65 and 75 mph. OK, that is 4 days from pickup direct to delivery, with just that one pet. Now you need to add more pets, its still an SUV.  At best comfortable 3 maybe 4 pets in an SUV, depending on the size of the pets. So now you have to add mileage to pickup all the pets. The driver might get lucky and have consolidated pickups in one region. That doesn't not happen too often. Most of the time we have between 300 to 500 to travel between stops. That adds time and stops. Don't forget it takes time to stop, fuel, walk the dogs, litter the cats, feed the pets, clean their crates, and at some point you need food and a shower yourself or you'll stink.
Now lets look at the cost. An average SUV, lets say gets 20 mph @ 2800 miles, estimates to about 140 gallons of gas, (diesel these cost go up, a lot), 140 gallons @ $3.25 per gallon, that a minimum of $455.00 for fuel for that one pet to go across the country. Add extra miles if there are more stops.
Don't forget $20. a day for food, motel because your in an SUV and cannot sleep in it. $45.
For the companies that state they have two drivers for everyone of their vehicles, don't forget to add that extra wage, because lets face it no one works for free.
I know how hard it is to find one great driver, they have found themselves a magical pool of drivers that the rest of us for years have not been able to find,
Here are some really simple facts when your looking for your company.
1. Do they have a valid phone number listed on their website.
2. Do they have their location on their website. Since this business is basically a web based business a store front is not necessary. However they should still have a solid location for mailings to go to. Beware of Post office Boxes.
3. Are they asking you for strictly Western Union. Big ALERT if they are.
4. Does their time line match with cost ratio. In other words is the transporter trying to get across the country and people are only paying $300, if so take a hard look. If your only paying $300 to go across the country, how many pets do they have to move at one time just to cover expenses. How are they earing enough to cover insurances, repairs, replacement of vehicles.
5. Look for reviews on their website, facebook, you can usually type in the companies name and if there is something not quite right it will show up, sometimes about 5 pages in, but its there.
6. Is it strictly a web site with all work being contracted or are the owners actually involved in the actual operations of the website your on? There are quite a few websites that are owned by one but everything is contracted out, including your estimates. If there is an issue in route you have no real person to deal with.
7. I think the best way to decide your transporter, ask yourself, "Are they afraid to put a face to their website".
Simple math and simple facts.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Reflecting! Renewing!

2011 is now in the history books, memories neatly tucked away for later review.  2012 has started and with it the prospect of the unknown. Some will jump into the new year with gusto, challenging the new year to provide new and exciting experiences. Others have reflected on their 2011, wonder what was great about it, look to see what could be better. Opportunities abound with the new year. The start of the new year is like the start of a new day. No matter how miserable yesterday may have been today is a fresh start with the hope that better things will happen.
Reflecting on 2011 was a time for Precious Pets Transport to step outside our comfort zone. Business was easy when Jill and I did everything. We could control the quality of a clients experience. 2011 became a time when we could no longer do everything. We needed to put our structure and trust on the line for others to see and experience. It was scary, exciting, frustrating, and at times down right exhausting. But we got through it, not much bruising, a little wiser for the experience. But most of all we have meet wonderful people, had some great trips, seen beautiful sights, laughed and really enjoyed our passengers.
We have always been a tiny business, using big ideas to get us where we wanted to go. Its been said that if one pretends they know what their doing long enough, edventually you really do know what your doing. Trial by fire. I'm not saying we're a big business, we're by any stretch of the imagination far from big. But we operate with big ideas. Committment, honesty, hard work, was really all we had to offer our clients. This is the basis of what we built our business. If we told a client 5 to 7 days across country then by dagnabit we were going to do it. If we could not do what the client needed then it was better to be honest and say so. Give the client the option of finding different means to get their pets moved. Has it lost us money by doing so, sometimes. We promised ourselves we would never put a pets life before the dollar bill.
We have over the years made every attempt to say what we mean, and mean what we say. Jill and I set our mission statement about thee months after we started out business. We've made every decision by asking, "Will this decision require us to compromise our mission '.
Our mission:   To provide the safe, secure, comfortable, provide love, structure, and get every pet home as quickly as possible, for every pet we agree to transport. To be open and honest with our clients about the timeline of their pets transport.
2011 required us to find other drivers that agreed with this same mission. After many request, lots of digging, plenty of frustration, we have been blessed with a few drivers that have been what could only be said as one word. OUTSTANDING. We have not grown at the pace of many companies. We want to keep the structure we've set and hold firm to our mission while growing our business.
Starting 2012, Jill and I continue with our committment to provide your pets with be best care we possibly can, when you entrust them to us. We also promise that we will make ever attempt to use drivers that are willing to make that same committment.
Happy New Year everyone !!!!