Wednesday night I spent a great deal of the night sitting quietly with tiggy. Both knowing the end was fast approaching. She was in a great deal of pain. I needed to make the ultimate decision. By Thursday morning it was clear the time had come. I gathered Tiggy up and we made the trip to the vet. When the vet asked me why we were there, it was clear without me saying a word.
There are very few things in this world that touches me to where I'm in complete tears.
Thirteen years ago an employee walked into my office, asked me to look at her car, something was wrong with it. As we approach, she walks over and pulls a box out. Inside are six furry kittens. "Pick one boss, you need something to care for." I reached in under all the kittens and picked the only one that was a tabby, the rest were calico's. She was the runt of the litter. Three weeks old and full of wonder. Took me two weeks to get her named. I called her "Angel", only to realize she was NO Angel. LOL!! She was a holy terror around my office. But everyone loved her, customers included.
Tiggy and I went everywhere together. In the morning she would get in the truck to head to the office and back home in the evening. She road to my parents in PA. When it was time to head home all I had to do was holler her name and she came running.
When my roommate in MD moved out we moved into the master bedroom. As you walked into the outer area there were full size mirrors. I howled with laughter as the first night tiggy spent the night beating the cat up in the mirror. I think it took her a week to be able to walk past the mirror and not smack the mirror.
One of tiggy's best friends in the office was a dog named "Winter". Everyday tiggy went to work with me and Winter came to work with her human. The two of them would romp and roll around the warehouse and back field. You could look out the back door to see Winter strolling through the field and the tip of a tail from "Tiggy as they explored their domain.
Tiggy gets a baby. Well not really, about a year later a friend of mine comes walking into my house and hands me this orange ball of fluff. Tiggy took it upon herself to drag poor Samson up and down the hallway, whether he wanted to go or not. Didn't take long till Samson was twice the size of her.
Since she couldn't drag Samson around anymore she took to dragging stuffed animals around. I was home one day sick. Tiggys didn't know I was home, I hear this singsong, I"m thinking what the hay is that. As I walk out of the bedroom there is Tiggy dragging this bear down the hallway singing to it. Well as soon as she spots me she drops it. For the next twelve years we would find this bear all over the house, on the steps, bed, in the kitchen. That is until she found her mouse. It was easier for her to carry and sing to at the same time. Always the same song. Often wondered what she was singing to her baby.
For thirteen years I would turn around and see her following me, whether I was in the yard working, or bouncing around the house. She was my 1.5 foot shadow.
This is a great informative blog. As the owner of a ground shipping company for pets I feel that their isn't enough information out for pet owners. Thanks for your time you've put into this blog and for getting out the much needed information for our pet relocation