Wednesday, November 9, 2011

To Fly or Not to FLy. What else is there?

Its All About The Precious Pets!!

To fly or not to fly your pet is usually a personal preference. Speed and cost are two main factors most feel is a plus. Traveling this way means purchasing a secure crate, getting the proper "Health Certificate", getting to the airport, going through security, and on the flip side retrieving your pet.
Is this a good means to transport your pet? Only you can decide that. Ask anyone and you'll get many different reasons pro and con. Small pets and puppies that fit under seats for travel is an ideal way to transport these small fragile loved ones.
Some things to check for when booking a flight for your pet. What happens if your pet(s) get bumped from the flight? What is their weather policy? What happens if your pet freaks out going through security? Remember unless the pet is small enough to fly under your seat, their seats are not as luxurious as the one your sitting in.
There are pets that just cannot fly, due to health, age, temperament. What happens then? The other options is “Ground Transportation”. Specialized specifically for your precious pets. Traveling by ground gives your pets a secure crate, walks throughout the day, food according to their feeding schedule, meds included.
In rare occurrences where the pet has issues with traveling the transporter can contact you, make that immediate decision for vet care if required. Hard to have a vet check your pet at 30,000 ft.
Ground transport is great for pets that stress, pets with health issues, and senior pets. True professional ground transporters provide a stable, comfortable, and supervised means to get your pets to their new locations.

It takes longer and it can cost more than the traditional air transport. Taking into account most ground transports come fully equipped with crates its an expense you don’t need to content with, especially if you have more than one pet moving.
You also don't need to get your pet out of its crate at the airport, taking the "flight risk".

Just one main factor to weight when it time to move your “Precious Pets”.

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